
Protocol should be followed because “God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace in the church.
The Protocol department is the arm of the Church that keeps orderliness with in and out of the Church. Their primary duty is to make sure that no harm befalls any member of the Pastoral body during any Church gatherings. It is also their duty to make sure that all vehicles to Church members and visitors are parked properly in order to avoid congestion and accidents in the car park belonging to the Church.


The RCCG Erie church greatly depend on diversity and magnitude of the many services ushers provide. Each usher has the opportunity to impact the lives of new and existing people in the church and should be viewed as an extension of the pastor’s hand. In most cases, they provide the first impressions of church and ministry of the pastor. Most pastors believe that an usher’s performance can make or break the outcome of the service as well as bring a true reflection of how friendly and loving their church really is. Ushers set the spiritual climate of the service by presenting a joyful attitude, make others feel welcome and comfortable, and make sure that everything is flowing in a proper order so that everyone is free to worship without interruption.

Areas of responsibility for the role of church ushers

Generally, the ministry of church ushers focuses on the following areas of responsibilities

  • Assist in the seating members and visitors.
  • Provide care for the needs of the pastor during the service.
  • Attend to the needs of the visiting speaker or guests of honor.
  • Maintain the decorum of the service, according to the church’s tradition.
  • Watch for the safety of the congregation and acting as the line of first response to medical emergencies.
  • Collect and perhaps counting the offering.
  • Attend to altar ministry or response ministry as people respond to the sermon’s invitation.

Teaching . Music . Missions . Evangelism

February 2025

Bible verse of the day

Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.