Prayer & Intercession Ministry


Prayer & Intercession Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is simply to pray constantly for the church .This team voluntarily waits on God with self-denial through dedicated fasting and praying.

By standing in the gap of church members and those who are facing challenges in their lives, the prayer & intercessory ministry anchors their faith through prayer sessions before and during services and special programs. This prayerful group of individuals encourages everyone in and out of the church to grow stronger in their prayer life.

Evangelism & Outreach Ministry


The Evangelism Ministry helps to come alongside individuals who are making new
commitments to follow God or rededicate their lives to follow God.050


Our outreach ministries are focused on taking the good news of Jesus Christ into communities in need including prisons, juvenile halls, elder care homes, public schools, and to the homeless living out on the streets and in shelters. Our efforts also include partnership assistance with local organizations and help with community service projects.



Praise & Worship Team

There is no greater sound than when the people of God come together in unison and worship Jesus. Praise and worship is a supernatural experience. Miracles happen,issues of the hear are dealt with, and sinners come to repentance in an atmosphere of godly worship. The Bible says God inhabits the praises of His people (see Psalm 22:3) — and there’s nothing quite like having God “invade” your praise and worship

Teaching & Discipleship

Teaching & Discipleship


Sunday school is the foundation strategy for the Church of RCCG worldwide. Leading people to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and for building great commission Christians through Bible study groups and teachings that engage people in: evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry and worship.

This ministry provides counseling to students and look after them to ensure their steady spiritual growth. We also prepare candidates for baptism and training as volunteer workers in the church.

Hospitality & Welfare Ministry

Hospitality & Welfare Ministry


RCCG Erie’s Hospitality Ministry exists to promote a welcoming and comfortable environment for the church family and our guests.

This ministry serves the church body in a warm and hospitable manner so that people can experience the love of Jesus Christ and genuine fellowship.

Finance Team

Finance Team

Responsible for managing and budgeting the finances and business interests of the church. Ensures that all bills and/or accounts payable are tendered to monthly, issues payment of miscellaneous invoices and payroll as rendered.

It is the mission of the finance ministry to see to it that the basic and necessary ministerial efforts are adequately funded. This is important so that the vision and purpose of RCCG Erie is effectively executed, that all church finances are managed properly and business is conducted professionally.

This is a team of exceptionally high integrity, who keep the very best interest of the Lord’s church at heart, as well as to the glory of God.

Technical and Media Ministry

Technical and Media Ministry

The technical & media ministry is a very important part of what we do here at RCCG Erie. Our tech team works together to bring high quality sound, video, lighting, PowerPoint presentations and media duplication. Looking to become a part of the amazing things that are happening in this ministry? Our leaders will give you the training and experience necessary to be a part of this team.

If you wish to help this ministry be successful and a blessing to our church and community, consider getting involved in Technical Ministries.

Teaching . Music . Missions . Evangelism

September 2024

Bible verse of the day

“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”